An Implant Dentist in Randolph Discusses a Fix For Ill-fitting Dentures!
December 1, 2017

Model of an implant-retained denture
If you’re one of the estimated 40 million Americans that have lost all of their teeth, there’s a good chance you wear dentures. Unfortunately, there’s also a good chance you’ve learned about the drawbacks of wearing dentures! One of the most common complaints is that they stop fitting over time, resulting in poor function and frequent re-fitting appointments. You may have heard that implant-supported dentures can help your dentures fit and function better, but were told you aren’t a good candidate for traditional implants. If so, there’s a method that can work for you: All on 4 dental implants. If you’d like to know more, an implant dentist in Randolph discusses how just four implants can help your dentures fit better than ever.