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Oral Bacteria and Colorectal Cancer

October 15, 2013

In our last post, we talked about the link between a magnesium deficiency and a vulnerability to type 2 diabetes. Today, we’d like to talk about another recent discovery, this time between oral bacteria and colorectal cancer.

We’ve talked before on this site about the different ways oral health affects overall health, and this is just one more. The connection was discovered by Yiping Han, Ph.D. of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and a group of collaborators. Working together, they discovered how a type of microbe, known as fusobacteria, can encourage the growth of colorectal tumors by switching on cancer growth genes and stimulating the body’s inflammatory response.

News like this should encourage patients to make regular brushing and flossing, plus regular oral exams and cleanings, more of a priority. Dr. Goldstein of Randolph Dental Care wants to see every patient of his twice a year. That often will help us monitor and remove bad bacteria from your mouth. Bacteria haven’t just been linked to colorectal cancer—they’re also the cause of tooth decay and gum disease.

Do you need to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Goldstein and his Randolph dental team? Call us today to schedule something. We’re happy to serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond.

Magnesium Deficiencies, Oral Health, and Diabetes

October 3, 2013

Recent studies have established a connection between a lack of magnesium in the body and type 2 diabetes. More specifically, a patient with a magnesium deficiency is at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. What’s more, it was found that oral supplementation of magnesium to non-diabetic patients led to a reduced risk of developing the disease. In fact, those with a high intake of magnesium were significantly less likely to develop it as those with lower magnesium intake.

What does this have to do with your oral health? There isn’t an overwhelming connection, but dentistry isn’t just about treating cavities and gum disease—it’s also about encouraging patients to make smarter nutritional choices on a daily basis.

There is, however, a connection between oral health and a condition like diabetes. When untreated gum disease is allowed to become a serious problem, patients with diabetes are more likely to experience complications. Does your family have a history of diabetes? Then it’s important to take a careful look at how you’re eating on a daily basis and how well you’re taking care of your smile. We recommend brushing twice a day and flossing at least once, with regular visits to Dr. Goldstein’s Randolph dental office.

Do you have questions about nutrition, or about your own oral health? Dr. Goldstein of Randolph Dental Care is happy to help. Call our Randolph dental office today to schedule an appointment with our friendly, knowledgeable dental team. We’re happy to serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and all surrounding areas.


Have You Scheduled a Back-to-School Appointment Yet?

August 27, 2013

Across the country, students are heading back to school. That means that from here on out, your schedule is going to get busier.

So why not schedule a back-to-school checkup for yourself or your son or daughter now, before that happens. With a back-to-school checkup out of the way, your family can focus on the important activities and holidays coming up over the next few months.

Why are regular visits with Randolph Dental Care so important? Because they give Dr. Goldstein a chance to catch common oral health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and more early on, before they’ve had a chance to develop. If left untreated, common problems can escalate, potentially even leading to a higher risk of health problems in the rest of the body. Gum disease in particular has been linked with other common problems, like stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and pregnancy complications. A checkup and cleaning takes just a short amount of time to complete, and the positive impact on your oral health is incalculable.

Do you have questions about the benefits of regular care? Or maybe you just need to schedule a back-to-school visit with Dr. Goldstein. Regardless, call our Randolph dental office today.

We serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and all surrounding areas.

What You Need to Know About Diabetes and Gum Disease

August 12, 2013

We’ve said it on the blog before—gum disease doesn’t just affect your oral health. It’s also been linked to a variety of health conditions in the rest of the body, including diabetes.

But what exactly is the relationship between gum disease and diabetes? That’s what we’d like to spend some time talking about today.

The true nature of that relationship isn’t fully understood yet, but researchers do know that it runs two ways. On the one hand, the infection caused by caused gum disease raises the body’s blood sugar levels, increasing a diabetic’s chance of experiencing complications. On the other hand, a patient with diabetes is more susceptible to developing an infection because of the differences in his blood sugar. So regardless of whether one causes the other, or vice versa, a link definitely exists between them.

That means regular checkups are essential for monitoring gum health. Even if you’re not diabetic, you may still have a mild form of gum disease.

Dr. Goldstein provides effective periodontal therapy with scaling, root planing, laser and Arestin, a topical antibiotic that can help you fight infection. Are you concerned about your gums?

Call Randolph Dental Care today to schedule an appointment with us. Dr. Goldstein provides excellent periodontal therapy to patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond.


Advanced Risk Factors for Cavities

July 29, 2013

You already know that it takes regular brushing and flossing  plus good nutrition and regular checkups, to defend your smile from cavities. But oral care and nutrition are only two risk factors you should be aware of in having a cavity-free smile. In today’s post, we’d like to highlight a few more risk factors that you might not even be aware of. If you have questions about any of them, don’t hesitate to give Randolph Dental Care a call.

Existing decay

Did you realize that having cavities in the past makes you more vulnerable to having cavities in the future? That’s because decay weakens the protective layer of enamel on the outside of our teeth. To protect your smile, treat cavities early, before they have a chance to become more developed. You should also make sure you’re getting enough fluoride, which attract minerals important for having healthy teeth.

Family history

Some patients grew up in a home where good oral hygiene wasn’t a priority. But we’re not just talking about poor oral hygiene when we talk about family history. Some patients are more vulnerable to cavities because of heredity. If you’ve noticed a pattern of cavities in your family, make sure you’re brushing and flossing regularly, and that you’re visiting Dr. Goldstein a minimum of twice a year.

Dry mouth

Among the different things that saliva does, one is flush bacteria out of your mouth. Another is that it helps neutralize acid, which can harm tooth enamel.  In cases of dry mouth, teeth are more vulnerable because there’s nothing to get rid of bacteria or take care of the acid. That’s why, if you struggle with dry mouth, it’s important to drink water throughout the day, so that your mouth stays moist. Xylitol mints or gum may also help.

Do you have questions about any of these risk factors, or do you need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Goldstein?  Call Randolph Dental Care today. We serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and surrounding areas.


Four Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

July 16, 2013

Tooth sensitivity is a common complaint of dental patients, but there’s no single cause. In today’s post, we’ll detail some of the most common culprits and explain how treatment or prevention might be possible.

Aggressive Brushing

One part of achieving a healthy smile is brushing on a regular basis, but there’s a difference between brushing thoroughly and brushing aggressively. Patients who brush too hard with a hard-bristled brush can damage their teeth and gums, causing sensitivity. To prevent sensitivity caused by aggressive brushing, don’t be afraid to ask Dr. Goldstein of Randolph Dental Care for brushing tips. We’re dedicated to educating our patients and helping them achieve effective daily care.

Teeth Grinding

The medical term to describe a teeth grinding problem is bruxism. Patients who struggle with bruxism grind their teeth unconsciously, often while asleep. Bruxism is triggered by stress and the affliction can seriously damage teeth. Under the right conditions, teeth can even become cracked, making it possible for bacteria to get inside a tooth and exposing the porous layer of dentin beneath the outer layer of enamel. If you struggle with teeth grinding, talk to Dr. Goldstein. Bruxism can be effectively treated with a custom-made night guard.

Gum Recession/Gum Disease

Gum recession is one of the most common causes of sensitivity, which itself is caused by advanced gum disease. As the gums recede, more of the patient’s teeth are exposed, including that crucial layer of dentin. Things that are hot, cold, or acidic can send shockwaves through the dentin to the inner pulp, or the nerve of the tooth. To prevent sensitivity caused by gum recession, see Dr. Goldstein for periodontal therapy at the first sign of gum disease. Treating gum disease early will help you preserve your oral health and protect against sensitivity.


Patients between the ages of 25 and 30 experience more sensitivity than patients of other ages. If you’re in your mid-twenties and have noticed any changes in how sensitive your teeth are, Dr. Goldstein may be able to help.

Do you struggle with tooth sensitivity on a daily basis? Call Randolph Dental Care to set up an appointment with us. Dr. Goldstein serves patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond with excellent general, cosmetic, and restorative care.

Stress and Inflammation

June 18, 2013

Given how fast life moves today, and with the pressure to always stay “connected,” it’s no wonder our society is so stressed.  But regardless of where your stress ultimately comes from—finances, work, or somewhere else—learning how to manage your stress is important. That’s because stress impacts not just your overall sense of well being but your oral health as well.

Specifically, we’re talking about inflammation and its relationship to both.

Inflammation is triggered by the body’s immune system. When it works as it’s supposed to, it can be beneficial. But a patients struggling with stress may find that their body has trouble regulating it. When that happens, the body can begin to use inflammation against itself, leading to problems with oral and overall health. In 2012, the ADG reported that, in talking about the link between stress and oral health, the immune system plays a definite role.

What does this mean for patients of Randolph Dental Care?  It means that learning how to manage stress is important. It also means that regular checkups and professional cleanings should be a priority, as should a regular brushing and flossing routine. Remember to brush at least twice a day, floss at least once a day.

If you have questions about the connection between stress, inflammation, and oral health, call Randolph Dental Care today to reserve an appointment with Dr. Goldstein. Our office is proud to serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond.

The Connection between Hormones and Oral Health

June 4, 2013

When you think about your oral health, do you ever think about what connection it might have to your body’s hormones? In most cases, probably not, but a very real connection does exist.

When the body’s hormones fluctuate, a patient can become more vulnerable to gum disease, one of the most common oral health conditions a patient can face. Women are especially vulnerable because of the hormonal changes they experience throughout life. Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause are all examples of when vulnerability is high, but it doesn’t stop there—women who are taking birth control should also be careful. There’s even an increased risk a day or two before the start of a woman’s next period.

So, what does this mean for patients of Dr. Goldstein?

It means sticking to a good brushing and flossing routine and coming to our Randolph dental office twice a year for checkups and a professional cleaning. What’s more, if you’re taking birth control or are pregnant, it’s important to let your doctor know. Dr. Goldstein can also offer nutrition tips during your next appointment. Foods that are high in sugar or starch can contribute to potential issues with the teeth and gums.

Do you need to schedule your next visit with Dr. Goldstein? Call Randolph Dental Care today to reserve your appointment. Our office serves patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond.

Relieving Pain through Equilibration

May 15, 2013

Sometimes it’s not a big, dramatic dental service that ends up making the most difference in your life; it can actually be something small and quick.

That’s exactly what you can expect from equilibration. If your upper and lower teeth don’t match up the way they should, this small service can help you improve your quality of life in just a matter of minutes and without requiring extensive work.

Misalignment, also known as malocclusion, can result in painful symptoms like headaches, migraines, and pain in your neck or face. What’s more, it can cause jaw joints to shift permanently out of place and even cause teeth to break or become loose.

It’s true that in some cases, a treatment like oral appliance therapy may be necessary. In others, the problem may be fixed by simply reshaping  of the surfaces of teeth by even just a millimeter or less. That’s exactly what equilibration involves. Just listen to what one of Dr. Goldstein’s patients had to say about the process and what it’s meant to her.

Are you worried that correcting your bite issue will require extensive work? It may not. Call Randolph Dental Care today to reserve a consultation with Dr. Goldstein. During your appointment, Dr. Goldstein will examine your teeth to see if equilibration is right for you.

We serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond. We look forward to helping you!

Are You Setting a Good Oral Health Example?

May 1, 2013

You know how important regular visits to the dental office and good brushing and flossing techniques are. Your commitment to oral health probably didn’t develop on its own. Odds are, you had someone in your life—a parent, a grandparent, or some other family member—who set a good example and taught you the importance of both.

So of course it’s going to be the same for your own little one. Help your child understand the importance of diligent care by making it a habit to brush together until your child is old enough to do it on their own.

If you have questions about how to do that, Dr. Goldstein would be happy to offer you tips or any extra information you might need. With his years of experience and his dedication to prevention, he can offer advice on how to brush and floss more effectively, advice that you can then pass on to your son or daughter.

Developing healthy habits isn’t solely about brushing and flossing, though. It’s just as important to emphasize regular checkups and cleanings. With a regular checkup and cleaning, a doctor like Dr. Goldstein can keep an eye out for common oral health conditions like tooth decay and gum disease—conditions that need to be monitored and treated as soon as possible. Plus, with a cleaning, there’s a chance for extra stubborn bacteria, plaque, and calculus to be removed, getting teeth cleaner than brushing and flossing alone could have.

Do you have questions about how you can set a better example for your child? Call Randolph Dental Care to reserve an appointment. During your visit, Dr. Goldstein can answer any questions you might have, in addition to offering advice.

We serve patients from Randolph, Rockaway, Mendham, Chester, Morristown, Denville, Morris County, and beyond.

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